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January 19, 2012

The Rosckes Insurance Difference

Do you remember the movie Ground Hog Day? The one with the infamous Ned Ryerson character. Whether Ned makes you laugh or wince, or simply makes you want to run the other direction, he represents the stereotype of my chosen profession, the Insurance Agent. You have to love him a bit because he cares so […]
January 26, 2012

Protect Your Motorcycle for the Winter

Protect Your Motorcycle for the Winter Make sure your ride is ready when you park it for the season. “Four wheels move the body,” the saying goes. “Two wheels move the soul.” Those who own motorcycles know that feeling well. Which is why it’s so difficult to park that beloved ride until spring. To ensure […]
February 7, 2012

Top 5 Auto Insurance Myths

Top 5 Auto Insurance Myths Knowing the truth about auto insurance can save you time, money and hassle. If you’ve ever avoided buying red vehicle for fear your insurance rates will spike, this list is for you. Debunking auto insurance myths can help you become more aware of what should and shouldn’t concern you about your […]
February 21, 2012

Saved Client $1000+ / Year on Home Insurance

Just saved a new client over $1000 on their homeowners insurance and we got them more coverage for their home with a higher liability limit! Call us to see if we can do the same for you, 972-215-7308; Or you can get a Homeowners Insurance Quote now!
June 6, 2013

3 Easy Steps to a Lush, Lovely Lawn

Try these quick tips to keep your lawn looking bright this summer. You know the lawn that everyone in the neighborhood admires? Growing it isn’t as hard as you might think. Allen Sarhangi, a retired agriculture professor and president of Urban Forest Landscape in Yorba Linda, Calif., offers these essential tips for a healthy lawn. […]
September 23, 2020

Choosing General Liability Insurance Limits for Your Business

When buying business insurance, you’ll have to count general liability insurance among the essential coverage to add to your portfolio. This coverage will make sure your business can compensate others when their losses are your fault. However, you must have general liability insurance that is appropriate for your business’s operations. What factors should you consider […]
November 25, 2020

What is the Purpose of a Business Owners Policy?

When looking to protect your business, you will need a type of insurance policy tailored specifically for your company. Insurance needs vary industry to industry and even business to business, but some policies are versatile enough to let business owners adjust coverage as needed.  What Does a Business Owners Policy Cover?  A business owners policy […]

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